Set sports race chart details

def set_sports_race_details(
preset_svg: str = None,
custom_svg: Union[list, str] = None,
track_path_id: str = None,
track_lane_width: float = None,
track_back_and_forth: bool = None,
participant_icon_mode: str = None,
participant_size: float = None,
participant_stroke_width: float = None,
participant_stroke_opacity: float = None,
participant_fill_opacity: float = None,
preset_participant_image: str = None,
custom_participant_start_image: str = None,
custom_participant_race_image: str = None,
custom_participant_finish_image: str = None,
image_initial_rotation: str = None,
image_initial_flip_x: bool = None,
image_initial_flip_y: bool = None,
image_transform_mode: str = None,
participant_icon_recolor: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_palette: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_extend: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_custom_palette: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_numeric_type: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_binning: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_mode: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_count: float = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_thresholds: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_palette: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_reverse: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_min: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_max: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_color_space: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_domain: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_domain_min: float = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_domain_max: float = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_palette: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_reverse: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_min: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_mid: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_max: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_color_space: str = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_domain: bool = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_min: float = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_mid: float = None,
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_max: float = None,
camera_mode: str = None,
zoom: float = None,
checkpoint_mode: str = None,
checkpoints: Union[list, str] = None,
times_cumulative: bool = None,
participant_label_mode: str = None,
participant_label_custom: Union[list, str] = None,
participant_label_position: str = None,
participant_label_style: bool = None,
participant_label_color: str = None,
participant_label_size: float = None,
participant_label_stroke: str = None,
participant_label_stroke_size: float = None,
participant_label_weight: str = None,
participant_highlight: bool = None,
participant_highlight_color: str = None,
participant_highlight_width: float = None,
label_position_enabled: bool = None,
label_position_time: str = None,
label_position_type: str = None,
label_medal_enabled: bool = None,
label_medal_time: str = None,
label_medal_type: str = None,
label_medal_replace_position: bool = None,
label_finishing_time_enabled: bool = None,
label_finishing_time_time: str = None,
participant_stacking: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_enabled: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_style: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_graph: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_play_on_load: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_loop: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_duration: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_duration_tween: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_duration_wait_at_end: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_axes_custom_enabled: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_color_axes: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_axis_font_size: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_date_format_display: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_axis_nice_x: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_axis_nice_y: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_snap: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_snap_paused: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_layout_settings: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_margin_top: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_margin_left: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_margin_bottom: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_margin_right: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_margin_right: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_height: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_margin_right_button: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_graph_settings: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_color_background: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_graph_height: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_curve: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_styling: bool = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_button_color: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_button_size: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_icon_color: str = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_icon_size: float = None,
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_label_size: float = None,
chart_layout_body_font: str = None,
chart_layout_font_color: str = None,
chart_layout_background_color_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_background_image_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_background_color: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_src: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_size: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_position: str = None,
chart_layout_max_width_target: str = None,
chart_layout_max_width: float = None,
chart_layout_max_width_align: str = None,
chart_layout_layout_order: str = None,
chart_layout_space_between_sections: str = None,
chart_layout_space_between_sections_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_top: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_right: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_bottom: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_left: float = None,
chart_layout_border_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_border_top_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_top_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_top_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_right_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_right_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_right_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_left_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_left_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_left_color: str = None,
chart_layout_read_direction: str = None,
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_small: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_big: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_tablet: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_desktop: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_big_screen: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_small: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_big: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_tablet: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_desktop: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_big_screen: float = None,
chart_layout_header_align: str = None,
chart_layout_title: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_title_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_title_font: str = None,
chart_layout_title_size: str = None,
chart_layout_title_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_title_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_title_color: str = None,
chart_layout_title_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_title_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_title_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_font: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_size: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_color: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_header_text_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_header_text_size: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_color: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_border: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_width: float = None,
chart_layout_header_border_color: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_style: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_space: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_src: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_alt: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_link_url: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_height: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_align: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_position_inside: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_position_outside: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_top: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_right: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_bottom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_left: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_align: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_size: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_color: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_font: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_source_name: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url: str = None,
chart_layout_multiple_sources: bool = None,
chart_layout_source_name_2: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url_2: str = None,
chart_layout_source_name_3: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url_3: str = None,
chart_layout_source_label: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_note: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_footer_note_secondary: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_advanced_note_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_timestamp_format: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_src: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_src_light: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_alt: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_link_url: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_height: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_margin: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_order: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_align_vertical: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_width: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_color: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_style: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_space: float = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_text_primary: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_label: str = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_hide_primary: bool = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
preset_svgstr, optionalChoices: athletics, swimming, cycling, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
custom_svgUnion[list, str], optionalCustom SVG. Use a custom track using your own SVG Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
track_path_idstr, optionalPath ID. The ID of the element in the SVG which defines the center of the track. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
track_lane_widthfloat, optionalLane width. The distance between each participant. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
track_back_and_forthbool, optionalTrack type. Choices: False, True. Whether the track goes back and forth, like a swimming pool, or back to the start, like a race track. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
participant_icon_modestr, optionalIcon type. Choices: circle, image. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_sizefloat, optionalSize. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
participant_stroke_widthfloat, optionalLine width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
participant_stroke_opacityfloat, optionalStroke opacity. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
participant_fill_opacityfloat, optionalFill opacity. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
preset_participant_imagestr, optionalDefault images. Choices: runner, swimmer, cyclist, custom. The images used if no image is included for the participant in the datasheet. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
custom_participant_start_imagestr, optionalCustom start image. The image shown at the start of the race. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
custom_participant_race_imagestr, optionalCustom racing image. The image shown while the participant is racing. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
custom_participant_finish_imagestr, optionalCustom finish image. The image shown when the participant has finished the race. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
image_initial_rotationstr, optionalRotate images. Choices: 0, 90, 180, 270. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
image_initial_flip_xbool, optionalFlip horizontally. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
image_initial_flip_ybool, optionalFlip vertically. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
image_transform_modestr, optionalDirection change. Choices: rotate, flip_x, flip_y, flip_both, static. Change the direction of the image based on which way the participant is traveling. Rotate rotates the image to face the direction of travel. Flip horizontally flips the image horizontally depending on whether the participant is traveling towards the left or right. Flip vertically flips the image vertically depending on whether the participant is traveling towards the top or bottom. Flip horizontally and vertically combines the horizontal and vertical flip settings. Static doesnt change the direction of the image. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_icon_recolorbool, optionalRecolor icons. Apply colors to differentiate the participants. Works best with greyscale images. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_paletteUnion[list, str], optionalPalette. Flourish type hint: colors, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_extendbool, optionalExtend. Automatically generate additional colours when needed to avoid the palette colours being used more than once. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_categorical_custom_paletteUnion[list, str], optionalCustom overrides. Enter the label name for which you wish to set the color, followed by a colon and the desired color value. Colors can be set using Hex, RGB, color names or RGBA, if you want to set the opacity Multiple colors can be set using multiple lines. For example: Party 1: red Party 2: #4455AA Party 3: rgb(30,168,26). Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_numeric_typestr, optionalScale type. Choices: sequential, diverging. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_binningbool, optionalChoices: False, True. In linear mode, the color scale will run as a smooth gradient between 2 colors. In binned mode, the gradient will be divided in smaller blocks. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_modestr, optionalBinning mode. Choices: fixed, quantile, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_countfloat, optionalNumber of bins. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_bin_thresholdsstr, optionalCustom thresholds. Enter your desired thresholds, separating them with a ";". For instance, "5;10;15". Bins form as follows: From the datas minimum value (domain minimum) up to the first threshold. Between consecutive thresholds. From the last threshold to the datas maximum value (domain maximum). For "5;10;15", youll get four bins based on your datas range. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_palettestr, optionalPalette. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_reversebool, optionalReverse. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_minstr, optionalMinimum color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_maxstr, optionalMaximum color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_color_spacestr, optionalColor space. Choices: rgb, lab, hcl, hsl. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_custom_domainbool, optionalDomain. Choices: False, True. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_domain_minfloat, optionalMin. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_sequential_domain_maxfloat, optionalMax. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_palettestr, optionalPalette. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_reversebool, optionalReverse. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_minstr, optionalMinimum color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_midstr, optionalMidpoint color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_maxstr, optionalMaximum color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_color_spacestr, optionalColor space. Choices: rgb, lab, hcl, hsl. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_custom_domainbool, optionalDomain. Choices: False, True. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_minfloat, optionalMin. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_midfloat, optionalMid. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_participant_color_scale_diverging_domain_maxfloat, optionalMax. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
camera_modestr, optionalCamera mode. Choices: track, leader. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
zoomfloat, optionalZoom level. How much to zoom in when playing. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
checkpoint_modestr, optionalCheckpoint mode. Choices: laps, splits, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
checkpointsUnion[list, str], optionalCheckpoints. Enter the number of laps completed at each recorded checkpoint/column in the data. E.g. "0.5, 1, 1.5, 2" would mean that the times were taken every half a lap. Enter one checkpoint per line. Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
times_cumulativebool, optionalTimes are cumulative. Switch on if the time columns represent the cumulative time taken at each checkpoint (e.g. 12, 25, 36). Switch off if the times represent how long individual checkpoints took to complete (e.g. 12, 13, 11). Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
participant_label_modestr, optionalLabel mode. Choices: auto, leader, all, custom. Determines which labels are drawn. Auto draws as many labels as possible whilst avoiding overlaps. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_label_customUnion[list, str], optionalParticipants to label. Enter the names of the participants to label. These must exactly match the names in your data. Enter one name per line. Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
participant_label_positionstr, optionalLabel position. Choices: auto, left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_label_stylebool, optionalStyle. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
participant_label_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
participant_label_sizefloat, optionalSize. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
participant_label_strokestr, optionalOutline. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
participant_label_stroke_sizefloat, optionalOutline width. As a % of the font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
participant_label_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: 400, 600. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_highlightbool, optionalHighlight icons. Highlight the labeled participant(s). Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
participant_highlight_colorstr, optionalHighlight color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
participant_highlight_widthfloat, optionalHighlight width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
label_position_enabledbool, optionalChoices: False, True. Whether to show the position of the participant in the label. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
label_position_timestr, optionalShow position. Choices: always, race, finish. Set to At finish, to only show a participants position when theyve completed the race. Set to During race, to only show a participants position while they are still racing. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
label_position_typestr, optionalPosition to show. Choices: current, finish. Whether to show a participants current position in the race, or their finishing position. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
label_medal_enabledbool, optionalChoices: False, True. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
label_medal_timestr, optionalShow medals. Choices: always, race, finish. Set to At finish, to only show a participants medal when theyve completed the race. Set to During race, to only show a participants medal while they are still racing. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
label_medal_typestr, optionalMedal to show. Choices: current, finish. Whether to show the medal position for a participant at the current point in the race, or the medal they win at the end of the race. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
label_medal_replace_positionbool, optionalReplace position. Turn on to replace a participants position label with their medal if they are in a medal position. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
label_finishing_time_enabledbool, optionalChoices: False, True. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
label_finishing_time_timestr, optionalShow finishing time. Choices: always, finish. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
participant_stackingstr, optionalChoices: sheet_order, rank, y_position. Determines which participants obscure other participants when they overlap. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_enabledbool, optionalChoices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: timeline, button. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_graphbool, optionalShow chart. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_play_on_loadbool, optionalPlay on load. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_loopbool, optionalLoop timeline. When turned on, the timeline will return to the beginning once complete. Otherwise, it will stop when it reaches the end. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_durationfloat, optionalTimeline duration. Total duration of the timeline during normal playback in seconds. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_duration_tweenfloat, optionalTime jump duration. Duration of transitions between different points in time on the timeline. This is the transition you see in the story player when switching between slides with a different time on the timeline (in seconds). Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_duration_wait_at_endfloat, optionalPause before loop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_axes_custom_enabledbool, optionalAxis settings. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_color_axesstr, optionalAxes color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_axis_font_sizefloat, optionalFont size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_date_format_displaystr, optionalX axis date format. Choices:, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ, %Y-%m-%d, %m/%d/%Y, %d/%m/%Y, %d-%b-%y, %m/%Y, %b %Y, %b %y, %B %d, %d %b, %Y, %B, %b, %A, %a, %H:%M:%S, %I:%M %p, %H:%M. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_axis_nice_xbool, optionalClean X axis. Rounds out the X axis so that its start and end values are nice, round dates. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_axis_nice_ybool, optionalClean Y axis. Rounds out the Y axis so that its start and end values are nice, round numbers. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_snapbool, optionalSnap when scrubbing. When turned on, you can only jump to values that are supplied in the dataset and nothing in between. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_snap_pausedbool, optionalSnap when paused. Activate to snap the timeline to the closest interval when non animating. This is useful for ensuring the data visible in the visualization always reflects the data you have supplied. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_layout_settingsbool, optionalLayout settings. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_margin_topfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_margin_leftfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_margin_bottomfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_margin_rightfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_margin_rightfloat, optionalSpace between button and timeline. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_scrubber_heightfloat, optionalScrubber height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_margin_right_buttonfloat, optionalSpace between button and text. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_graph_settingsbool, optionalChart settings. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_color_backgroundstr, optionalBackground. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_graph_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_curvebool, optionalCurved lines. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_stylingbool, optionalPlay button settings. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_button_colorstr, optionalButton color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_button_sizefloat, optionalButton size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_icon_colorstr, optionalIcon color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_icon_sizefloat, optionalIcon size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_timeline_controls_playback_button_label_sizefloat, optionalLabel size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_body_fontstr, optionalMain font. This font will apply to the whole graphic by default. You can optionally change the font for the title, subtitle, footer, etc in the Header and Footer settings panels. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_colorstr, optionalText color. This color will apply to the whole graphic by default, You can optionally change the color for individual text elements, in other settings panels. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_color_enabledbool, optionalColor. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_enabledbool, optionalImage. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_srcstr, optionalImage URL. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: cover, contain, auto, 100% 100%. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_positionstr, optionalPosition. Choices: top left, top center, top right, center left, center center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_width_targetstr, optionalMaximum width. Choices: none, wrapper, primary. Apply a maximum width to just the main graphic or everything (main graphic plus header, footer, etc). Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_widthfloat, optionalMaximum width. Leave blank to stretch to container width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_width_alignstr, optionalAlign. Choices: left, center, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_layout_orderstr, optionalLayout order. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_space_between_sectionsstr, optionalSpace between sections. Choices: 0.5, 1, 1.5, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_space_between_sections_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_topfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_rightfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_bottomfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_leftfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_enabledbool, optionalShow borders around visualisation. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_widthfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_widthfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_widthfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_widthfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_read_directionstr, optionalRead direction. Choices: ltr, rtl. This will change the reading direction of the main text elements on the page. Its not possible to adjust this on all elements, such as axes. Note that when direction is set to right to left any alignment icons will be reversed. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_smallfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_bigfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_tabletfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_desktopfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_big_screenfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_smallfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_bigfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_tabletfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_desktopfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_big_screenfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_alignstr, optionalAlignment. Choices: left, center, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_titleUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_fontstr, optionalTitle Font. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitleUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_fontstr, optionalSubtitle Font. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_textUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_borderstr, optionalChoices: top, bottom, top_and_bottom, none. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_spacefloat, optionalSpace. Space between border and header text. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_enabledbool, optionalChoices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_srcstr, optionalImage. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_altstr, optionalAlt text. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_link_urlstr, optionalLink. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_alignstr, optionalAlign. Choices: inside, outside. Align logo inside either the header or the main visualization container. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_position_insidestr, optionalPosition. Choices: top, left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_position_outsidestr, optionalPosition. Choices: left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_topfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_rightfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_bottomfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_leftfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_alignstr, optionalAlignment. Choices: left, center, right, justify. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_sizefloat, optionalSize. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_stylingbool, optionalAdvanced footer styles. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_fontstr, optionalFont. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_namestr, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_urlstr, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_multiple_sourcesbool, optionalMultiple sources. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_name_2str, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_url_2str, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_name_3str, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_url_3str, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_labelstr, optionalSource label. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_noteUnion[list, str], optionalNote. To add the time/date stamp of when the data was last updated add {{data_last_updated}}. For example, "Last updated at {{data_last_updated}}". To customize the format, use the advanced options below. Flourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_note_secondaryUnion[list, str], optionalNote (secondary). The secondary note is placed below the source and primary note. To add the time/date stamp of when the data was last updated add {{data_last_updated}}. For example, "Last updated at {{data_last_updated}}". To customize the format, use the advanced options below. Flourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_advanced_note_stylingbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_timestamp_formatstr, optionalTime/date stamp formatting. Choices: %H:%M:%S, %I:%M %p, %H:%M, %H:%M %p, %H:%M:%S, %d %b %Y, %H:%M, %d %b %Y, %H:%M, %d/%m/%Y, %H:%M, %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M, %d-%m-%Y, %H:%M, %m-%d-%Y, %d %b %Y, %m/%d/%Y, %d/%m/%Y, %m-%d-%Y, %d-%m-%Y, %Y-%m-%d, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_enabledbool, optionalImage. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_srcstr, optionalImage. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_src_lightstr, optionalImage (light version). If provided this version will be used whenever the background color is dark. Flourish type hint: hidden, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_altstr, optionalAlt text. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_link_urlstr, optionalLink. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_marginfloat, optionalMargin. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_orderstr, optionalPosition. Choices: left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_align_verticalstr, optionalV. align. Choices: flex-start, center, flex-end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_borderstr, optionalChoices: top, bottom, top_and_bottom, none. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_spacefloat, optionalSpace. Space between border and footer text. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_text_primaryUnion[list, str], optionalScreenreader description. A text alternative to the visual content that will only be visible to screenreaders, e.g. The line chart shows China consistently higher than the other countries since 1990. Do not replicate your title, since that will also be read by screenreaders. Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_labelstr, optionalScreenreader label. A short text label given to the main Flourish embed wrapper to provide an accessible name that is only visible to screenreaders Added in the form of an "aria-label". Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_hide_primarybool, optionalScreenreader mode for main visual container. Choices: True, False. Whether the main visual container is visible to screenreaders (Text in the header and footer are always available to screenreaders.). Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None