Set calculator chart details

def set_calculator_details(
question_flow: str = None,
design_border_type: str = None,
design_border_color: str = None,
design_background: str = None,
design_advanced: bool = None,
design_align_horizontal: str = None,
design_align_vertical: str = None,
design_max_width: float = None,
design_margin_vertical: float = None,
design_padding_vertical: float = None,
design_padding_horizontal: float = None,
design_border_width: float = None,
design_border_style: str = None,
design_border_radius: float = None,
design_shadow: bool = None,
design_shadow_color: str = None,
result_variables: Union[list, str] = None,
result_input: Union[list, str] = None,
result_advanced: bool = None,
result_font_size: str = None,
result_font_size_custom: float = None,
result_font_color: str = None,
result_font_weight: str = None,
result_font_style: str = None,
result_border_type: str = None,
result_border_width: float = None,
result_border_style: str = None,
result_border_color: str = None,
result_bg_type: str = None,
result_bg_color: str = None,
result_bg_image_src: str = None,
result_bg_image_size: str = None,
design_question_font_size: str = None,
design_question_font_size_custom: float = None,
design_question_font_color: str = None,
design_question_font_weight: str = None,
design_question_font_style: str = None,
design_question_margin_vertical: float = None,
design_question_margin_horizontal: float = None,
design_question_padding: float = None,
design_context_font_size: str = None,
design_context_font_size_custom: float = None,
design_context_font_color: str = None,
design_context_font_weight: str = None,
design_context_font_style: str = None,
design_context_margin_vertical: float = None,
design_context_margin_horizontal: float = None,
design_question_bg_color: str = None,
design_question_bg_opacity: float = None,
design_question_border_radius: float = None,
design_answer_margin_vertical: float = None,
design_answer_margin_horizontal: float = None,
input_color: str = None,
input_background_color: str = None,
input_width: float = None,
number_input_placeholder: str = None,
text_input_placeholder: str = None,
input_input_advanced: bool = None,
input_border_color: str = None,
input_border_radius: float = None,
input_border_width: float = None,
input_border_style: str = None,
input_align: str = None,
input_margin: float = None,
input_padding: float = None,
button_font_size: str = None,
button_font_size_custom: float = None,
chart_button_control_style_background: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_background_selected: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_background_hover: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_font_color: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_font_color_selected: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_font_color_hover: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_button_styles_advanced: bool = None,
chart_button_control_style_border_width: float = None,
chart_button_control_style_border_color: str = None,
chart_button_control_style_border_transparency: float = None,
chart_button_control_style_border_radius: float = None,
button_border_style: str = None,
button_container_width: float = None,
button_justify_content: str = None,
button_margin: float = None,
button_padding_factor: float = None,
dropdown_font_size: str = None,
dropdown_font_size_custom: float = None,
dropdown_placeholder: str = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_background: str = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_font_color: str = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_styles_advanced: bool = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_style: str = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_width: float = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_color: str = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_transparency: float = None,
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_radius: float = None,
dropdown_padding_factor: float = None,
dropdown_border_style: str = None,
dropdown_font_weight: str = None,
dropdown_font_style: str = None,
dropdown_shadow: bool = None,
dropdown_shadow_color: str = None,
date_format: str = None,
date_input_placeholder: str = None,
date_advanced: bool = None,
date_width: float = None,
date_margin: float = None,
date_padding: float = None,
date_border_width: float = None,
date_border_style: str = None,
date_border_color: str = None,
date_border_radius: float = None,
date_align: str = None,
date_calendar_position_vertical: str = None,
date_calendar_position_horizontal: str = None,
rating_icon_type: str = None,
rating_icon_fill_base: str = None,
rating_icon_stroke_base: str = None,
rating_icon_fill_active: str = None,
rating_icon_stroke_active: str = None,
rating_advanced: bool = None,
rating_icon_width: float = None,
rating_icon_height: float = None,
rating_icon_margin: float = None,
rating_icon_stroke_width: float = None,
rating_container_width: float = None,
rating_wrap_margin_vertical: float = None,
rating_wrap_margin_horizontal: float = None,
rating_wrap_padding_vertical: float = None,
rating_wrap_padding_horizontal: float = None,
rating_label_width: float = None,
rating_label_color: str = None,
rating_label_position: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_active_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_base_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_size: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_ticks: bool = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_advanced: bool = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_container_width: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_wrap_margin_vertical: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_wrap_margin_horizontal: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_height: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_radius: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_width: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_shape: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_width: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_width: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_radius: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_box_shadow: bool = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_tooltips: bool = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_tooltip_background: bool = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_color: str = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_padding: float = None,
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_number_padding: float = None,
submit_comment_text: Union[list, str] = None,
submit_button_text: str = None,
submit_bg_type: str = None,
submit_bg_color: str = None,
submit_bg_image_src: str = None,
submit_border: bool = None,
submit_bg_image_size: str = None,
submit_advanced: bool = None,
submit_comment_font_size: str = None,
submit_comment_font_size_custom: float = None,
submit_comment_font_weight: str = None,
submit_comment_font_style: str = None,
submit_flex_direction: str = None,
submit_comment_font_color: str = None,
submit_comment_margin: float = None,
submit_button_font_size: str = None,
submit_button_font_size_custom: float = None,
submit_button_font_weight: str = None,
submit_button_font_style: str = None,
submit_button_margin: float = None,
submit_button_padding_factor: float = None,
submit_button_box_shadow: bool = None,
submit_button_use_default_styles: bool = None,
submit_button_bg_color: str = None,
submit_button_bg_color_hover: str = None,
submit_button_font_color: str = None,
submit_button_font_color_hover: str = None,
submit_button_border_style: str = None,
submit_button_border_color: str = None,
submit_button_border_width: float = None,
submit_button_border_transparency: float = None,
submit_button_border_radius: float = None,
design_controls_position: str = None,
design_controls_button_symbol_back: str = None,
design_controls_button_symbol_forward: str = None,
design_controls_button_font_color: str = None,
design_controls_button_font_size: float = None,
design_controls_advanced: bool = None,
design_controls_button_margin: float = None,
design_controls_button_padding_factor: float = None,
design_controls_button_bg_color: str = None,
design_controls_button_bg_opacity: float = None,
design_controls_button_font_weight: str = None,
design_controls_button_font_style: str = None,
design_controls_button_border_width: float = None,
design_controls_button_border_style: str = None,
design_controls_button_border_color: str = None,
design_controls_button_border_radius: float = None,
design_progress_show: bool = None,
design_progress_position: str = None,
design_progress_height: float = None,
design_progress_margin: float = None,
design_progress_bg_color: str = None,
design_progress_bg_opacity: float = None,
chart_number_date_format_prefix: str = None,
chart_number_date_format_suffix: str = None,
chart_number_date_format_n_dec: float = None,
chart_number_date_format_advanced: bool = None,
chart_number_date_format_negative_sign: str = None,
chart_number_date_format_strip_zeros: bool = None,
chart_number_date_format_strip_separator: bool = None,
chart_number_date_format_transform_labels: bool = None,
chart_number_date_format_transform: str = None,
chart_number_date_format_multiply_divide_constant: float = None,
chart_number_date_format_exponentiate_constant: float = None,
chart_number_localization_input_decimal_separator: str = None,
chart_number_localization_output_separators: str = None,
external_write_enabled: bool = None,
external_write_endpoint: str = None,
chart_layout_body_font: str = None,
chart_layout_font_color: str = None,
chart_layout_background_color_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_background_image_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_background_color: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_src: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_size: str = None,
chart_layout_background_image_position: str = None,
chart_layout_max_width_target: str = None,
chart_layout_max_width: float = None,
chart_layout_max_width_align: str = None,
chart_layout_layout_order: str = None,
chart_layout_space_between_sections: str = None,
chart_layout_space_between_sections_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_top: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_right: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_bottom: float = None,
chart_layout_margin_left: float = None,
chart_layout_border_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_border_top_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_top_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_top_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_right_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_right_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_right_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_bottom_color: str = None,
chart_layout_border_left_width: float = None,
chart_layout_border_left_style: str = None,
chart_layout_border_left_color: str = None,
chart_layout_read_direction: str = None,
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_small: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_big: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_tablet: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_desktop: float = None,
chart_layout_font_size_big_screen: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_small: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_big: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_tablet: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_desktop: float = None,
chart_layout_breakpoint_big_screen: float = None,
chart_layout_header_align: str = None,
chart_layout_title: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_title_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_title_font: str = None,
chart_layout_title_size: str = None,
chart_layout_title_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_title_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_title_color: str = None,
chart_layout_title_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_title_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_title_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_font: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_size: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_color: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_header_text_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_header_text_size: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_size_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_color: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_line_height: float = None,
chart_layout_header_text_space_above: str = None,
chart_layout_header_text_space_above_custom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_border: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_width: float = None,
chart_layout_header_border_color: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_style: str = None,
chart_layout_header_border_space: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_src: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_alt: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_link_url: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_height: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_align: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_position_inside: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_position_outside: str = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_top: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_right: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_bottom: float = None,
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_left: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_align: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_size: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_color: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_font: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_text_weight: str = None,
chart_layout_source_name: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url: str = None,
chart_layout_multiple_sources: bool = None,
chart_layout_source_name_2: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url_2: str = None,
chart_layout_source_name_3: str = None,
chart_layout_source_url_3: str = None,
chart_layout_source_label: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_note: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_footer_note_secondary: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_advanced_note_styling: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_timestamp_format: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_enabled: bool = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_src: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_src_light: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_alt: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_link_url: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_height: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_margin: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_logo_order: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_align_vertical: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_width: float = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_color: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_style: str = None,
chart_layout_footer_border_space: float = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_text_primary: Union[list, str] = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_label: str = None,
chart_layout_screenreader_hide_primary: bool = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
question_flowstr, optionalQuestion flow. Choices: vertical, horizontal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_border_typestr, optionalBorder. Choices: border-bottom, border. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_backgroundstr, optionalBackground. The background color of the cards. If not set, the background color in Layout is used. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
design_align_horizontalstr, optionalAlign. Choices: start, center, end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_align_verticalstr, optionalPosition. Choices: start, center, flex-end. Set the vertical text position if the window height is fixed and the text doesnt stretch across the full vertical card space. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_max_widthfloat, optionalMax width (%). Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_padding_verticalfloat, optionalVertical padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_padding_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_shadowbool, optionalShadow. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
design_shadow_colorstr, optionalShadow color. Shadow color as an RGBA value (red, green, blue, alpha). The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_variablesUnion[list, str], optionalVariables. Define variables to use in the Result field below. Set one variable per line in the format name = value Values can be: Numbers Text (single quotes for spaces) Question references like q_2 with the number representing the row number of each question in the Questions datasheet Previously defined variables (if wrapped into square brackets ) which will resolve to the answered value Excel functions, e.g., a = SUM(q_2, q_3) Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
result_inputUnion[list, str], optionalResult. Here you can compose your result view You have access to all variables you created above as well as all "q_" variables by referencing them in double curly braces like for example: {{ my_variable }} or {{ q_6 }} Flourish type hint: html, defaults to None
result_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
result_font_sizestr, optionalText size. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
result_font_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
result_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_border_typestr, optionalBorder. Choices: border-bottom, border. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
result_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
result_bg_typestr, optionalBackground. Choices: color, image. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
result_bg_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
result_bg_image_srcstr, optionalImage URL. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
result_bg_image_sizestr, optionalImage size. Choices: auto, cover, contain. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_question_font_sizestr, optionalText size. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_question_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_question_font_colorstr, optionalColor. The text color used for your questions. If not set, the text color in Layout is used. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_question_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_question_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_question_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_question_margin_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_question_paddingfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_context_font_sizestr, optionalText size. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_context_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_context_font_colorstr, optionalColor. The text color used for your question context. If not set, the text color in Layout is used. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_context_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_context_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_context_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_context_margin_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_question_bg_colorstr, optionalBackground color. The background color for your questions and context. To change the background color of the whole question card, go to the General design settings. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_question_bg_opacityfloat, optionalBackground opacity. The opacity of the question background color. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_question_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. The roundness of the question background container. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_answer_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_answer_margin_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
input_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
input_background_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
input_widthfloat, optionalWidth. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
number_input_placeholderstr, optionalNumber input placeholder. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
text_input_placeholderstr, optionalText input placeholder. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
input_input_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
input_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
input_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
input_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
input_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
input_alignstr, optionalAlignment. Choices: start, center, end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
input_marginfloat, optionalMargin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
input_paddingfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
button_font_sizestr, optionalText size. Choices: 1, 1.2, 1.6, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
button_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_backgroundstr, optionalBackground. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_background_selectedstr, optionalSelected. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_background_hoverstr, optionalMouse over. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_font_colorstr, optionalText color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_font_color_selectedstr, optionalSelected. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_font_color_hoverstr, optionalMouse over. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_button_styles_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_border_transparencyfloat, optionalTransparency. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_button_control_style_border_radiusfloat, optionalRadius. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
button_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
button_container_widthfloat, optionalButton group width (%). The width of the button group as a percentage of the card width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
button_justify_contentstr, optionalAlign. Choices: flex-start, center, flex-end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
button_marginfloat, optionalMargin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
button_padding_factorfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
dropdown_font_sizestr, optionalText size. Choices: 1, 1.2, 1.6, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
dropdown_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
dropdown_placeholderstr, optionalPlaceholder. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_backgroundstr, optionalBackground. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_font_colorstr, optionalText color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_styles_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: all, bottom. Show border on all sides, or only at the bottom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_transparencyfloat, optionalTransparency. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_dropdown_control_style_border_radiusfloat, optionalRadius. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
dropdown_padding_factorfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
dropdown_border_stylestr, optionalBorder look. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
dropdown_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
dropdown_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
dropdown_shadowbool, optionalShadow. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
dropdown_shadow_colorstr, optionalShadow color. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_formatstr, optionalFormat. Choices: y-m-d, d/m/_y, d/m/y, j/n/_y, j/n/y, d-m-_y, d-m-y, j-n-_y, j-n-y, d.m._y, d.m.y, j.n._y, j.n.y, m/d/_y, m/d/y, n/j/_y, n/j/y, m-d-_y, m-d-y, n-j-_y, n-j-y, m j, _y, f j, _y. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_input_placeholderstr, optionalPlaceholder. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
date_widthfloat, optionalWidth. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
date_marginfloat, optionalMargin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
date_paddingfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
date_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
date_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
date_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
date_alignstr, optionalText alignment. Choices: start, center, end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_calendar_position_verticalstr, optionalCalendar vertical position. Choices: auto, above, below. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
date_calendar_position_horizontalstr, optionalCalendar horizontal position. Choices: left, center, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
rating_icon_typestr, optionalChoices: star, circle, check. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
rating_icon_fill_basestr, optionalBase fill color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
rating_icon_stroke_basestr, optionalBase stroke color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
rating_icon_fill_activestr, optionalActive fill color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
rating_icon_stroke_activestr, optionalActive stroke color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
rating_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
rating_icon_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_icon_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_icon_marginfloat, optionalVertical margin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_icon_stroke_widthfloat, optionalStroke width (px). Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_container_widthfloat, optionalRating group width (%). The width of the rating group as a percentage of the card width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_wrap_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_wrap_margin_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_wrap_padding_verticalfloat, optionalVertical padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_wrap_padding_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_label_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
rating_label_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
rating_label_positionstr, optionalPosition. Choices: above, below. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_colorstr, optionalHandle color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_active_colorstr, optionalTrack active color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_base_colorstr, optionalTrack background color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_sizefloat, optionalHandle size. percentage of track height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_ticksbool, optionalRange ticks. Display the minimum and the maximum of the range at the left and right. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_container_widthfloat, optionalTrack width (%). The width of the track as a percentage of the card width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_wrap_margin_verticalfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_wrap_margin_horizontalfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_track_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. The width of the border around the card, in rems Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_shapestr, optionalShape. Choices: rectangle, circle. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_widthfloat, optionalWidth. % of Size (the handle height). Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_colorstr, optionalStroke color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_widthfloat, optionalStroke width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_handle_box_shadowbool, optionalBox shadow. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_tooltipsbool, optionalTooltip. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_tooltip_backgroundbool, optionalTooltip background. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_colorstr, optionalTick color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_paddingfloat, optionalTick padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_slider_filter_controls_tick_number_paddingfloat, optionalNumber padding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_comment_textUnion[list, str], optionalSubmit label. Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
submit_button_textstr, optionalSubmit button text. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_bg_typestr, optionalBackground. Choices: color, image. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_bg_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_bg_image_srcstr, optionalImage URL. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
submit_borderbool, optionalBorder. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
submit_bg_image_sizestr, optionalImage size. Choices: auto, cover, contain. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
submit_comment_font_sizestr, optionalLabel size. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_comment_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_comment_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_comment_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_flex_directionstr, optionalLabel position. Choices: column, column-reverse. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_comment_font_colorstr, optionalLabel color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_comment_marginfloat, optionalVertical margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_font_sizestr, optionalButton text size. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_button_font_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive text size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_font_weightstr, optionalButton text weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_button_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_button_marginfloat, optionalMargin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_padding_factorfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_box_shadowbool, optionalHover shadow. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
submit_button_use_default_stylesbool, optionalUse answer button styles. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
submit_button_bg_colorstr, optionalBackground. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_button_bg_color_hoverstr, optionalMouse over. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_button_font_colorstr, optionalText color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_button_font_color_hoverstr, optionalMouse over. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_button_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
submit_button_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
submit_button_border_widthfloat, optionalWidth. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_border_transparencyfloat, optionalTransparency. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
submit_button_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_positionstr, optionalPosition. Choices: top_left, top_centre, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_centre, bottom_right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_symbol_backstr, optionalBack button. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_symbol_forwardstr, optionalForward button. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_font_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_controls_button_font_sizefloat, optionalSize. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
design_controls_button_marginfloat, optionalMargin. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_button_padding_factorfloat, optionalPadding. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_button_bg_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_controls_button_bg_opacityfloat, optionalBackground opacity. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_button_font_weightstr, optionalText weight. Choices: normal, bold. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_font_stylestr, optionalText style. Choices: normal, italic. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_border_widthfloat, optionalBorder width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_controls_button_border_stylestr, optionalBorder style. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_controls_button_border_colorstr, optionalBorder color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_controls_button_border_radiusfloat, optionalRoundness. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_progress_showbool, optionalShow progress bar. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
design_progress_positionstr, optionalPosition. Choices: top, bottom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
design_progress_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_progress_marginfloat, optionalHorizontal margins. In rems, a multiple of the pages base font size. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
design_progress_bg_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
design_progress_bg_opacityfloat, optionalBackground opacity. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_prefixstr, optionalPrefix. Text to place in front of number. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_suffixstr, optionalSuffix. Text to place after number. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_n_decfloat, optionalDecimal places. Enter a negative integer to round to a whole number with that many zeros. For example, -2 will round to the nearest hundred. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_advancedbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_negative_signstr, optionalStyling of negative numbers. Choices: -$nk, $-nk, ($nk), $(n)k, none. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_strip_zerosbool, optionalRemove trailing zeros. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_strip_separatorbool, optionalHide thousands separator below 10,000. Turn off if you want four-digit numbers to include a separator, e.g. 1,234 rather than 1234. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_transform_labelsbool, optionalMultiply/divide values. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_transformstr, optionalChoices: multiply, divide, exponentiate. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_multiply_divide_constantfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_number_date_format_exponentiate_constantfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_number_localization_input_decimal_separatorstr, optionalDecimal separator in data sheet. Choices: ., ,. Used for interpreting your data. Only change if data is not displaying on the chart as expected. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_number_localization_output_separatorsstr, optionalNumber format to display. Choices: ,., .,, ., ,, ., ,. How the numbers should appear on chart labels. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
external_write_enabledbool, optionalStore result data externally. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
external_write_endpointstr, optionalStorage endpoint. Your external database, store, API or web app endpoint to post data to. If you were to use Google Sheets to store your data, please check the External write docs for integration help. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_body_fontstr, optionalMain font. This font will apply to the whole graphic by default. You can optionally change the font for the title, subtitle, footer, etc in the Header and Footer settings panels. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_colorstr, optionalText color. This color will apply to the whole graphic by default, You can optionally change the color for individual text elements, in other settings panels. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_color_enabledbool, optionalColor. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_enabledbool, optionalImage. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_colorstr, optionalBackground color. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_srcstr, optionalImage URL. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: cover, contain, auto, 100% 100%. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_background_image_positionstr, optionalPosition. Choices: top left, top center, top right, center left, center center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_width_targetstr, optionalMaximum width. Choices: none, wrapper, primary. Apply a maximum width to just the main graphic or everything (main graphic plus header, footer, etc). Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_widthfloat, optionalMaximum width. Leave blank to stretch to container width. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_max_width_alignstr, optionalAlign. Choices: left, center, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_layout_orderstr, optionalLayout order. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_space_between_sectionsstr, optionalSpace between sections. Choices: 0.5, 1, 1.5, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_space_between_sections_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_topfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_rightfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_bottomfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_margin_leftfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_enabledbool, optionalShow borders around visualisation. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_widthfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_top_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_widthfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_right_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_widthfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_bottom_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_widthfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_border_left_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_read_directionstr, optionalRead direction. Choices: ltr, rtl. This will change the reading direction of the main text elements on the page. Its not possible to adjust this on all elements, such as axes. Note that when direction is set to right to left any alignment icons will be reversed. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_smallfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_mobile_bigfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_tabletfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_desktopfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_font_size_big_screenfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_smallfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_mobile_bigfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_tabletfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_desktopfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_breakpoint_big_screenfloat, optionalFlourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_alignstr, optionalAlignment. Choices: left, center, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_titleUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_fontstr, optionalTitle Font. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_title_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitleUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_fontstr, optionalSubtitle Font. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.4, 1.6, 2, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_subtitle_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_textUnion[list, str], optionalFlourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_stylingbool, optionalStyling. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_sizestr, optionalSize. Choices: 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_size_customfloat, optionalCustom. Specify a custom responsive font size in rems The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_line_heightfloat, optionalLine height. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_space_abovestr, optionalSpace above. Choices: 0, 0.5, 1, custom. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_text_space_above_customfloat, optionalCustom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_borderstr, optionalChoices: top, bottom, top_and_bottom, none. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_border_spacefloat, optionalSpace. Space between border and header text. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_enabledbool, optionalChoices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_srcstr, optionalImage. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_altstr, optionalAlt text. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_link_urlstr, optionalLink. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_alignstr, optionalAlign. Choices: inside, outside. Align logo inside either the header or the main visualization container. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_position_insidestr, optionalPosition. Choices: top, left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_position_outsidestr, optionalPosition. Choices: left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_topfloat, optionalTop. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_rightfloat, optionalRight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_bottomfloat, optionalBottom. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_header_logo_margin_leftfloat, optionalLeft. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_alignstr, optionalAlignment. Choices: left, center, right, justify. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_sizefloat, optionalSize. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_stylingbool, optionalAdvanced footer styles. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_fontstr, optionalFont. Flourish type hint: font, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_text_weightstr, optionalWeight. Choices: bold, normal. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_namestr, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_urlstr, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_multiple_sourcesbool, optionalMultiple sources. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_name_2str, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_url_2str, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_name_3str, optionalSource name. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_url_3str, optionalSource url. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_source_labelstr, optionalSource label. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_noteUnion[list, str], optionalNote. To add the time/date stamp of when the data was last updated add {{data_last_updated}}. For example, "Last updated at {{data_last_updated}}". To customize the format, use the advanced options below. Flourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_note_secondaryUnion[list, str], optionalNote (secondary). The secondary note is placed below the source and primary note. To add the time/date stamp of when the data was last updated add {{data_last_updated}}. For example, "Last updated at {{data_last_updated}}". To customize the format, use the advanced options below. Flourish type hint: html, defaults to None
chart_layout_advanced_note_stylingbool, optionalAdvanced. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_timestamp_formatstr, optionalTime/date stamp formatting. Choices: %H:%M:%S, %I:%M %p, %H:%M, %H:%M %p, %H:%M:%S, %d %b %Y, %H:%M, %d %b %Y, %H:%M, %d/%m/%Y, %H:%M, %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M, %d-%m-%Y, %H:%M, %m-%d-%Y, %d %b %Y, %m/%d/%Y, %d/%m/%Y, %m-%d-%Y, %d-%m-%Y, %Y-%m-%d, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_enabledbool, optionalImage. Choices: True, False. Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_srcstr, optionalImage. Flourish type hint: url, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_src_lightstr, optionalImage (light version). If provided this version will be used whenever the background color is dark. Flourish type hint: hidden, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_altstr, optionalAlt text. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_link_urlstr, optionalLink. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_heightfloat, optionalHeight. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_marginfloat, optionalMargin. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_logo_orderstr, optionalPosition. Choices: left, right. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_align_verticalstr, optionalV. align. Choices: flex-start, center, flex-end. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_borderstr, optionalChoices: top, bottom, top_and_bottom, none. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_widthfloat, optionalWidth. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_colorstr, optionalColor. Flourish type hint: color, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_stylestr, optionalStyle. Choices: solid, dashed, dotted. Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_footer_border_spacefloat, optionalSpace. Space between border and footer text. Flourish type hint: number, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_text_primaryUnion[list, str], optionalScreenreader description. A text alternative to the visual content that will only be visible to screenreaders, e.g. The line chart shows China consistently higher than the other countries since 1990. Do not replicate your title, since that will also be read by screenreaders. Flourish type hint: text, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_labelstr, optionalScreenreader label. A short text label given to the main Flourish embed wrapper to provide an accessible name that is only visible to screenreaders Added in the form of an "aria-label". Flourish type hint: string, defaults to None
chart_layout_screenreader_hide_primarybool, optionalScreenreader mode for main visual container. Choices: True, False. Whether the main visual container is visible to screenreaders (Text in the header and footer are always available to screenreaders.). Flourish type hint: boolean, defaults to None