
Create a graph using Flourish.

The Flourish class for generating Flourish graphs in Python.

class Flourish(
ArgumentType hintDescription
chart_typestr, optionalA chart type string for a graph in Flourish's library. Use chart_type instead of template_id and template_version where possible.
base_visualisation_idstr, optionalProvide the numerical ID of an existing public Flourish visualization to reference it's configuration.
chart_descriptionstr, optionalA description of the chart contents for assistive technologies, such as screen-readers. For example “The line chart shows China consistently higher than the other countries since 1990”. Defaults to None.
template_idstr, optionalA template ID, as set by Flourish, found at https://app.flourish.studio/@flourish. Use if you can't use chart_type or base_visualisation_id. Defaults to None.
template_version_numberstr, optionalA template version number, as set by Flourish, found at https://app.flourish.studio/@flourish. Use if you can't use chart_type or base_visualisation_id. Defaults to None.
widthint, optionalWidth of the graph. Defaults to None.
heightint, optionalHeight of the graph. Defaults to None.
api_keystr, optionalA Flourish API key, which you can generate in your Flourish account. Defaults to None.

Flourish Objects

Module flourishcharts.flourish