def bind_scatter_data(
x: str = None,
y: str = None,
name: Union[list, str] = None,
color: str = None,
size: str = None,
shape: str = None,
facet: str = None,
slider: str = None,
series: str = None,
filter: str = None,
metadata: Union[list, str] = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
xstr, optionalX values. Suggested data type hints: number, string, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
ystr, optionalY values. Suggested data type hints: number, string, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
nameUnion[list, str], optionalName. Select multiple columns if required to make a unique name. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: columns
colorstr, optionalColor. Colors the dots based on numbers or categories. Suggested data type hints: string, number. Flourish type hint: column
sizestr, optionalSize. Sizes the dots based on the numbers. Suggested data type hints: number, string. Flourish type hint: column
shapestr, optionalShape. Sets the shape of the dots based on numbers or categories. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
facetstr, optionalGrid of charts (facet). Creates a mini chart for each value in the selected column. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
sliderstr, optionalTime. Creates a time slider and connects/animates dots with the same name. Suggested data type hints: datetime, string, number. Flourish type hint: column
seriesstr, optionalSeries (connect with line). Group dots into series based on the contents of a column. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
filterstr, optionalFilter control. Creates a control based on the contents of any column. Suggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs, embedded charts etc) to include in popups and panelsSuggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: columns