def bind_quiz_data(
questions_text: str = None,
questions_explanation: str = None,
questions_input_type: str = None,
questions_answers: Union[list, str] = None,
questions_suffix: str = None,
questions_choices: str = None,
scores_question: str = None,
scores_range: str = None,
scores_explanation: str = None,
scores_media: str = None,
results_range: str = None,
results_text: str = None,
results_media: str = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
questions_textstr, optionalText. Question text. Flourish type hint: column
questions_explanationstr, optionalExplanation. A short text explanation accompanying the question. Flourish type hint: column
questions_input_typestr, optionalInput type. Type of answer input, choose between slider or multiple choice Flourish type hint: column
questions_answersUnion[list, str], optionalAnswers. The correct answer to the question. The score will be decided by the difference between this answer and your input. Its possible to select multiple columns with answers; this will create a dropdown list above the quiz where you can select which answer to compare to. Flourish type hint: columns
questions_suffixstr, optionalSlider input suffix. Add a suffix after the value, eg. "%" or "people" (only for slider input type). Flourish type hint: column
questions_choicesstr, optionalMultiple choice options. Options to show in multiple choice questions. Divide using "::" (eg. "Cat :: Dog :: Sheep :: Badger"). Flourish type hint: column
scores_questionstr, optionalQuestion. Question that the answer belongs to. Flourish type hint: column
scores_rangestr, optionalAnswer. The answer to the question. This can be text for multiple choice questions. For slider answers, you can use numbers or number ranges, values could be "0-10" or "4" or "" to select all answers. You can also add multiple rows with score ranges per question; the more specific scores will take priority (e.g. it will choose "4" over "0-10" over ""). Flourish type hint: column
scores_explanationstr, optionalText. Text to show after answering question. Flourish type hint: column
scores_mediastr, optionalMedia. Picture to show after answering question. Flourish type hint: column
results_rangestr, optionalPoints range. A range of points youre targeting. You can use numbers or number ranges, values could be "0-10" or "4" or "" to select all answers. You can also add multiple rows with score ranges per question; the more specific scores will take priority (e.g. it will choose "4" over "0-10" over ""). Flourish type hint: column
results_textstr, optionalResults text
results_mediastr, optionalMedia. An image to show with the result. Add an image URL or right-click on a cell to upload an image. Flourish type hint: column