def bind_pictogram_data(
main_category: str = None,
sub_category: str = None,
values: Union[list, str] = None,
icon_id: str = None,
color: str = None,
metadata: Union[list, str] = None,
icons_id: str = None,
icons_path_string: str = None,
icons_width: str = None,
icons_height: str = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
main_categorystr, optionalMain category. The (categorical) column that defines the categories along the main axis. Flourish type hint: column
sub_categorystr, optionalSubcategory. The (categorical) column that defines the categories within each bar. Flourish type hint: column
valuesUnion[list, str], optionalValues. (Optional) Choose the numeric columns to determine the size of each bar. If more than 1 is chosen, a dropdown will appear in the visualization, which lets the user choose. Flourish type hint: columns
icon_idstr, optionalIcon ID. IDs for joining icons in the Icons datasheet. Must contain IDs that match Icon ID values in Icons Set to the same column as the Main category or Subcategory. Flourish type hint: column
colorstr, optionalColor. The (categorical) column which determines the icon color. Set to the same column as the Main category or Subcategory. Flourish type hint: column
metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs, embedded charts etc) to include in popups and panels Flourish type hint: columns
icons_idstr, optionalIcon ID. Unique ID for joining icon path strings. Must contain IDs that match the Icon ID values in DataFlourish type hint: column
icons_path_stringstr, optionalIcon. Icon path string (e.g. "M10,10 l80,0 l0,80 l-80,0 z") or the name of a built-in icon (e.g. "female"). Flourish type hint: column
icons_widthstr, optionalIcon width. Icon width (in pixels). Flourish type hint: column
icons_heightstr, optionalIcon height. Icon height (in pixels). Flourish type hint: column