def bind_hierarchy_data(
nest_columns: Union[list, str] = None,
size_columns: Union[list, str] = None,
filter: str = None,
popup_metadata: Union[list, str] = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
nest_columnsUnion[list, str], optionalCategories/nesting. Choose one or more categorical columns to nest by. The data is nested in the same order as the chosen columns (e.g. C, B is different from B, C). Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: columns
size_columnsUnion[list, str], optionalSize by. Optionally choose one or more numeric columns to size by. If more than one is chosen, a dropdown will appear in the visualization which lets the user choose. Rows with negative values are excluded. Suggested data type hints: number. Flourish type hint: columns
filterstr, optionalFilter. Optionally choose a categorical column to filter by. Suggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
popup_metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs , embedded charts etc) to include in popups and panels Suggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: columns