Bind gantt chart data

def bind_gantt_data(
start_date: str = None,
end_date: str = None,
task: str = None,
grouping: str = None,
color: str = None,
progress: str = None,
filter: str = None,
metadata: Union[list, str] = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
start_datestr, optionalStart date
end_datestr, optionalEnd date. The end date or time of the event. If working with days, the end date should be the first day after the end date. So if your event stretches from 1/1. and ends on the 5/1. your end date should be 6/1. This will mean your Gantt bar will stretch across the last day of your project or task. Flourish type hint: column
taskstr, optionalTask
groupingstr, optionalGroup. Select a categorical column to combine bars into groups on the Y axis. Flourish type hint: column
colorstr, optionalColor category. Select a categorical column; each unique value in the column will become a color. Flourish type hint: column
progressstr, optionalProgress. Requires a number column with values between 0 and 1, representing the progress from 0 to 100%. Flourish type hint: column
filterstr, optionalFilter. If set, creates a filter menu or time slider. Flourish type hint: column
metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs, embedded charts etc) to include in popups and panelsFlourish type hint: columns