def bind_cards_data(
title: str = None,
image: str = None,
category: str = None,
subtitle: str = None,
text: Union[list, str] = None,
audio: str = None,
filter: str = None,
metadata: Union[list, str] = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
titlestr, optionalTitle. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
imagestr, optionalImage. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
categorystr, optionalCategories. Optional category column to color the cards. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
subtitlestr, optionalSubtitle. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
textUnion[list, str], optionalText. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: columns
audiostr, optionalAudio. Add an audio file to the card, which will play when the card is clicked. This will disable popup behavior. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
filterstr, optionalFilter. Suggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs, embedded charts etc) to include in custom popups and panelsSuggested data type hints: string, number, datetime. Flourish type hint: columns