Bind bubble chart data

def bind_bubble_chart_data(
label: str = None,
color: str = None,
size: str = None,
axis_values: str = None,
image: str = None,
metadata: Union[list, str] = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
labelstr, optionalLabel
colorstr, optionalColor by. Used to color the bubbles. Flourish type hint: column
sizestr, optionalSize by. Value for bubble size. Flourish type hint: column
axis_valuesstr, optionalAxis values. Values used to plot the bubbles when the bubbles are aligned on an axis. Flourish type hint: column
imagestr, optionalImage. Images for bubbles. Add an image URL or right-click on a cell to upload an image. Flourish type hint: column
metadataUnion[list, str], optionalInfo for popups. One or more columns of information (text, image URLs, embedded charts etc) to include in custom popups and panels Flourish type hint: columns