Bind bar chart race data

def bind_bar_chart_race_data(
label: str = None,
values: Union[list, str] = None,
category: str = None,
image: str = None,
captions_from: str = None,
captions_to: str = None,
captions_text: str = None,
captions_image: str = None
ArgumentsType hintDescription
selfFlourishReturns the Flourish object
labelstr, optionalLabel. A column containing the names of the bars, e.g. countries or people. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
valuesUnion[list, str], optionalValues. Multiple columns of numbers, each column representing a point in time Suggested data type hints: number. Flourish type hint: columns
categorystr, optionalCategories. Optional category column to color the bars Make sure the Color mode setting is set to By Category in the Bar colors settings panel. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
imagestr, optionalImage. Optional column with URLs of images. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
captions_fromstr, optionalTime to show. Must match the column headers in the main data sheet. Suggested data type hints: string, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
captions_tostr, optionalTime to hide. Must match the column headers in the main data sheet. Suggested data type hints: string, datetime. Flourish type hint: column
captions_textstr, optionalText. Text or HTML to show. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column
captions_imagestr, optionalImage. Image to show. Add an image URL or right-click on a cell to upload an image. Suggested data type hints: string. Flourish type hint: column