Users, Groups, and Teams

Canva users are organized into organizations, teams, and groups. For Canva Enterprise customers, an Organization is the largest organizational unit, and can contain many teams, groups, and users. For non-enterprise customers, a Team is the largest organizational unit.

Diagram showing that teams can have multiple groups, and users can be members of multiple Groups.
A team (Acme Corp) can have many users and groups, with some users in one or more groups, and some not in a group at all.

All users are in at least one team; including Canva Free and Canva Pro users, who are in their own (individual) teams. Users in a team have access to all content shared with that team and can easily share content with other team members.

Groups belong to a team and can't be shared between two teams. Users don't need to be part of a group, but they can be in one or more groups.

Diagram showing that a user can be in multiple teams, teams can have multiple groups, and users can be members of multiple groups.
Some large organizations have multiple teams, and some users may be in one or more of those teams.