Delete a user

Partners may want to delete a user who signed in to an integration using the autoAuthToken.

When a partner deletes a user, Canva marks the user's data as deleted for 14 days. The user's data includes designs, artworks, media uploads, and all other information related to the user.

Within 14 days, partners can restore a deleted user if they want. After 14 days, Canva deletes the user permanently.

  • Partners can delete only one user at a time.
  • Partners can't purchase an artwork of a deleted user.

AuthorizationAn integration's Artwork API secret.
partnerIdstringYesAn integration's partner ID.
externalUserIdstringYesThe user ID in the partner's backend system. This is the user ID used when generating the autoAuthToken.

The request body is empty.

The response when Canva successfully marks a user as deleted for 14 days.

The response when Canva doesn't recognize a partner ID or an Artwork API secret.

The response when:

  • Canva doesn't recognize a user ID.
  • The user ID belongs to a user who is permanently deleted or marked as deleted.
curl -XDELETE -H 'Authorization: <artwork_api_secret>' '<partnerId>/users/<externalUserId>'