Export settings

Settings for PDF, JPG, and PNG export formats of a preview and a print-ready version of a user's artwork.
"exports": {
"publishExportSettings": {
"outputSpecSettings": "PDF",
"renderSpecSettings": {
"bleed": true,
"bleedMicrons": null,
"cropMarks": true
"cmyk": false,
"canvasIsTransparent": false,
"outlineText": true,
"pdfX": false
"previewExportSettings": {
"outputSpecSettings": "JPG",
"renderSpecSettings": {
"bleed": true,
"bleedMicrons": null,
"cropMarks": false

The same properties are available for the publishExportSettings and publishExportSettings objects. The available properties depend on the value of outputSpecSettings.

outputSpecSettingsstringYesThe desired format to export all pages of the artwork. Set to "JPG". If not set, the export fails.
renderSpecSettingsobjectNoList of properties common to the export format. Contains bleed, bleedMicrons, and cropMarks.
renderSpecSettings.bleedbooleanNoIf true, the bleed is added to the artwork. The default value is false. When set for publishExportSettings, the bleed is added to the design as well.
renderSpecSettings.bleedMicronsintegerNoThe custom bleed size in microns. If set, bleed must be true and cropMarks must be false. Can be null. The default value is 3000.
renderSpecSettings.cropMarksbooleanNoIf true, crop marks are added to the artwork and bleedMicrons must be null. The default value is false.
outputSpecSettingsstringYesThe desired format to export all pages of the artwork. Set to "PDF". If not set, the export fails.
renderSpecSettingsobjectNoList of properties common to the export format. Contains bleed, bleedMicrons, and cropMarks.
renderSpecSettings.bleedbooleanNoIf true, the bleed is added to the artwork. The default value is false. When set for publishExportSettings, the bleed is added to the design as well.
renderSpecSettings.bleedMicronsintegerNoThe custom bleed size in microns. If set, bleed must be true and cropMarks must be false. Can be null. The default value is 3000.
renderSpecSettings.cropMarksbooleanNoIf true, crop marks are added to the artwork and bleedMicrons must be null. The default value is false.
cmykbooleanNoIf true, the color space is converted from RGB to CMYK. The default value is true.
canvasIsTransparentbooleanNoIf true, the background is removed for transparent background exports. The default value is false.
outlineTextbooleanNoIf true, the text elements of the PDF are converted to shapes. This ensures compatibility with systems that don't have the necessary fonts installed. The default value is false.
pdfXbooleanNoIf true, the PDF standard is updated to PDF/X). The default value is false.
outputSpecSettingsstringYesThe desired format to export all pages of the artwork. Set to "PNG". If not set, the export fails.
renderSpecSettingsobjectNoList of properties common to the export format. Contains bleed, bleedMicrons, and cropMarks.
renderSpecSettings.bleedbooleanNoIf true, the bleed is added to the artwork. The default value is false. When set for publishExportSettings, the bleed is added to the design as well.
renderSpecSettings.bleedMicronsintegerNoThe custom bleed size in microns. If set, bleed must be true and cropMarks must be false. Can be null. The default value is 3000.
renderSpecSettings.cropMarksbooleanNoIf true, crop marks are added to the artwork and bleedMicrons must be null. The default value is false.
canvasIsTransparentbooleanNoIf true, the background is removed for transparent background exports. The default value is false.