Product Catalog

The product catalog is a ready-made landing page that partners can embed in their website.

The product catalog lets users:

  • Create a design based on a product configuration or a template.
  • Open their existing designs.
  • Search for products and templates.

By using the product catalog, you can get a Print Partnership integration up and running as quickly as possible.

For a live demo of the product catalog, check out the following page:

Help users find the product they're looking for.

The search bar is enabled by default. To disable the search bar, raise a support request and ask Canva to disable it.

To raise a request:

  1. Navigate to the Canva Helpdesk.
  2. Select Homepage Update Request.
  3. In the Description field, ask Canva to disable the search bar.

Let users create a design based on a product, such as a T-shirt, poster, or business card. This determines the initial dimensions of the design.

Once a user creates at least one design, their designs appear in the catalog, in a carousel. This lets the user easily open their previously created designs.

As the user scrolls down the page, they see carousels of templates. These templates give users a starting point for their designs. Each template is associated with a specific type of product.

Display pricing information alongside products and templates.

Pricing information is disabled by default. To enable pricing information, raise a support request with Canva and ask to enable it.

To raise a request:

  1. Navigate to the Canva Helpdesk.
  2. Select Homepage Update Request.
  3. In the Description field, ask Canva to enable the pricing information.
  • You can't control the ranking of templates. Canva automatically ranks the templates based on relevance and popularity.