Create design

Create a Canva design.

Creates a new Canva design. To create a new design, you can either:

  • Use a preset design type.
  • Set height and width dimensions for a custom design.

Additionally, you can also provide the asset_id of an asset in the user's projects to add to the new design. To list the assets in a folder in the user's projects, use the List folder items API.


This endpoint requires a valid access token that acts on behalf of a user. The token must have the following scopes (permissions):

  • design:content:write

For more information, see Scopes.


Provides credentials to authenticate the request, in the form of a Bearer token.

For example: Authorization: Bearer {token}


Indicates the media type of the information sent in the request. This must be set to application/json.

For example: Content-Type: application/json


The desired design type.

Properties of design_type

This can be one of the following:

  • preset: Provide the common design type.
  • custom: Provide the width and height to define a custom design type.
Sometimes required

The name of the design type. This can be one of the following:

  • doc: A Canva doc; a document for Canva's online text editor.
  • whiteboard: A whiteboard; a design which gives you infinite space to collaborate.
  • presentation: A presentation; lets you create and collaborate for presenting to an audience.
Sometimes required

The width of the design (in pixels). Minimum 40px, maximum 8000px.

Sometimes required

The height of the design (in pixels). Minimum 40px, maximum 8000px.


The ID of an asset to insert into the created design.


The name of the design. Must be less than 256 characters.

Examples for using the /v1/designs endpoint:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"design_type": {
"type": "preset",
"name": "doc"
"asset_id": "Msd59349ff",
"title": "My Holiday Presentation"

If successful, the endpoint returns a 200 response with a JSON body with the following parameters:


The design object, which contains metadata about the design.

Properties of design

The design ID.


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and Team ID.

Properties of owner

The ID of the user.


The ID of the user's Canva Team.


A temporary set of URLs for viewing or editing the design.

Properties of urls

A temporary editing URL for the design.


A temporary viewing URL for the design.


The design title.


A thumbnail image representing the object.

Properties of thumbnail

The width of the thumbnail image in pixels.


The height of the thumbnail image in pixels.


A URL for retrieving the thumbnail image. This URL expires after 15 minutes. This URL includes a query string that's required for retrieving the thumbnail.

"design": {
"id": "DAFVztcvd9z",
"title": "My summer holiday",
"owner": {
"user_id": "auDAbliZ2rQNNOsUl5OLu",
"team_id": "Oi2RJILTrKk0KRhRUZozX"
"thumbnail": {
"width": 595,
"height": 335,
"url": "<query-string>"
"urls": {
"edit_url": "{token}/edit",
"view_url": "{token}/view"

To get started, generate an access token or provide your own below