Get brand template dataset

Check if you can autofill a brand template and what information you can autofill.

Gets the dataset definition of a brand template. If the brand template contains autofill data fields, this API returns an object with the data field names and the type of data they accept.

You can autofill a brand template using the Create a design autofill job API.


This endpoint requires a valid access token that acts on behalf of a user. The token must have the following scopes (permissions):

  • brandtemplate:content:read

For more information, see Scopes.


Provides credentials to authenticate the request, in the form of a Bearer token.

For example: Authorization: Bearer {token}


The brand template ID.

Examples for using the /v1/brand-templates/{brandTemplateId}/dataset endpoint:

curl --request GET '{brandTemplateId}/dataset' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

If successful, the endpoint returns a 200 response with a JSON body with the following parameters:


The dataset definition for the brand template. The dataset definition contains the data inputs available for use with the Create design autofill job API.

Properties of dataset
#<KEY>object of DataFields

A named data field that can be autofilled in the brand template.

"cute_pet_image_of_the_day": {
"type": "image"
"cute_pet_witty_pet_says": {
"type": "text"

This can be one of the following:

  • image: An image for a brand template. You can autofill the brand template with an image by providing its asset_id.
  • text: Some text for a brand template. You can autofill the brand template with this value.
"dataset": {
"cute_pet_image_of_the_day": {
"type": "image"
"cute_pet_witty_pet_says": {
"type": "text"

To get started, generate an access token or provide your own below