Delete asset

Delete an asset from the user's Projects.

You can delete an asset by specifying its assetId. This operation mirrors the behavior in the Canva UI. Deleting an item moves it to the trash. Deleting an asset doesn't remove it from designs that already use it.


This operation is rate limited to 30 requests per minute for each user of your integration.

This endpoint requires a valid access token that acts on behalf of a user. The token must have the following scopes (permissions):

  • asset:write

For more information, see Scopes.


Provides credentials to authenticate the request, in the form of a Bearer token.

For example: Authorization: Bearer {token}


The ID of the asset.

Examples for using the /v1/assets/{assetId} endpoint:

curl --request DELETE '{assetId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

If successful, the endpoint returns the status code 204 No content without a response body.

To get started, generate an access token or provide your own below