The Canva Button is only available for users in China. If your users aren't in China, you can't use the Canva Button. There are no plans to make the Canva Button available outside of China.

Creating designs

Create a new design with the iOS SDK.

After setting up the iOS SDK, the next step is to allow users to create a design with the Canva editor. This part of the tutorial series explains how to launch the Canva editor from your app.

Step 1: Set up the UI

For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial uses Storyboards to define the UI of the app. This is not required to use the Canva Button.

  1. Open the Main.storyboard file.

  2. Add a Button to the app.

  3. Choose a Label for the Button.

  4. Create an action for the Button:

    @IBAction func createDesign(_ sender: Any) {
    // code goes here

    In this case, the action is called createDesign.

Step 2: Create a Configuration object

In the createDesign action, create a CanvaViewController.Configuration object:

@IBAction func createDesign(_ sender: Any) {
let configuration = CanvaViewController.Configuration(apiKey: "API KEY GOES HERE")

You must instantiate this object with your Canva Button API key.

Step 3: Create a CanvaViewController

In the createDesign action, create an instance of the CanvaViewController class and wrap this code in a do/catch block:

@IBAction func createDesign(_ sender: Any) {
do {
let configuration = CanvaViewController.Configuration(apiKey: "API KEY GOES HERE")
let canvaViewController = try CanvaViewController(designType: "BookCover", configuration: configuration)
} catch {
print("Something went wrong. Unable to create a new design.")

You must instantiate this class with two arguments:

  • designType - This value determines the default dimensions of the user's design and the templates that Canva shows to the user. It's sometimes referred to as the design type. For a complete list of design types, refer to Design types.
  • configuration - This value is the CanvaViewController.Configuration object.

Next, set the delegate of the CanvaViewController to self and call the present method:

@IBAction func createDesign(_ sender: Any) {
do {
let configuration = CanvaViewController.Configuration(apiKey: "API KEY GOES HERE")
let canvaViewController = try CanvaViewController(designType: "BookCover", configuration: configuration)
canvaViewController.delegate = self
self.present(canvaViewController, animated: true)
} catch {
print("Something went wrong. Unable to create a new design.")

Then build and run the app.

If you click the Create design button, Canva opens in a web view. You need to log into Canva to access the editor. Some interactions with the editor, such as opening or publishing a design, log messages to the console.



import UIKit
import CanvaButton
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
@IBAction func createDesign(_ sender: Any) {
do {
let configuration = CanvaViewController.Configuration(apiKey: "API KEY GOES HERE")
let canvaViewController = try CanvaViewController(designType: "BookCover", configuration: configuration)
canvaViewController.delegate = self
self.present(canvaViewController, animated: true)
} catch {
print("Something went wrong. Unable to create a new design.")
extension ViewController: CanvaViewControllerDelegate {
func canvaViewController(_ canvaViewController: CanvaViewController, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error) {
print("Unable to load Canva editor.")
func canvaViewController(_ canvaViewController: CanvaViewController, didTerminateLoadingForDesignID designID: String?) {
print("Unable to open design with an ID of \(designID ?? "nil").")
func canvaViewController(_ canvaViewController: CanvaViewController, didPublishDesignWithDesignID designID: String?, url: URL?) {
print("Published a design with an ID of \(designID ?? "nil").")
func canvaViewDidFailPublish(forDesignID designID: String?, withError error: Error) {
print("Unable to publish design with an ID of \(designID ?? "nil").")
func canvaViewController(_ canvaViewController: CanvaViewController, didFinishLoadingWithDesignID designID: String) {
print("Opened a design with an ID of \(designID).")