Editing designs

Edit an existing design with the HTML API.

After a user creates a design, they may want to edit that design at a later point in time. To enable this, Canva provides your website with the ID of the design. You can use this ID to re-open a design in the Canva editor.

This part of the tutorial series explains how to open an existing design in the Canva editor.

You can get the ID of a design in the following ways:

  • Using an HTML input element.
  • Using JavaScript callback functions.

You can use whatever option is most convenient.

On the same page as the Canva Button, create an input element with a unique name attribute:

<input name="designId" />

Add either (or both) of the following attributes to the Canva Button's button element:

  • data-on-design-open-input-design-id
  • data-on-design-publish-input-design-id

Then set these attributes to the value of the input element's name attribute:

data-api-key="API KEY GOES HERE"
style="display: none;"
>Design with Canva</button
(function (c, a, n) {
var w = c.createElement(a),
s = c.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];
w.src = n;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(w, s);
})(document, "script", "https://sdk.canva.com/designbutton/v2/api.js");

If the data-on-design-open-input-design-id attribute is defined, Canva inserts the ID of the design into the specified field when the user opens a design. This includes when creating a new design or editing an existing design.

If the data-on-design-publish-input-design-id attribute is defined, Canva inserts the ID of the design into the specified field when the user publishes their design.

When Canva inserts a value into the input element, save the ID for future use.

On the same page as the Canva Button, create two JavaScript functions:

function onDesignOpen(opts) {
function onDesignPublish(opts) {

Each function should accept a single argument. These functions receive the same parameters as the JavaScript API's onDesignOpen and onDesignPublish functions.

Add either (or both) of the following attributes to the Canva Button's button element:

  • data-on-design-open
  • data-on-design-publish

Then set these attributes to the names of the JavaScript functions:

data-api-key="API KEY GOES HERE"
style="display: none;"
>Design with Canva</button
(function (c, a, n) {
var w = c.createElement(a),
s = c.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];
w.src = n;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(w, s);
})(document, "script", "https://sdk.canva.com/designbutton/v2/api.js");

When a user opens a design, Canva calls the function specified in the data-on-design-open attribute. This includes when creating a new design or editing an existing design.

When a user publishes a design, Canva calls the function specified in the data-on-design-publish attribute.

You can access the ID of the design via the opts.designId parameter:

function onDesignOpen(opts) {
function onDesignPublish(opts) {

When Canva calls these functions, save the ID for future use.

To open an existing design in the Canva editor, create a Canva Button with a data-design-id attribute:

data-design-id="DESIGN ID GOES HERE"
data-api-key="API KEY GOES HERE"
style="display: none;"
>Edit design</button
(function (c, a, n) {
var w = c.createElement(a),
s = c.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];
w.src = n;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(w, s);
})(document, "script", "https://sdk.canva.com/designbutton/v2/api.js");

The presence of the data-design-id attribute on the button element tells the Canva Button SDK that clicking this button should open an existing design. The value of the data-design-id attribute must be the ID of a design.