On September 25th, 2024, we released v2 of the Apps SDK. To learn what’s new and how to upgrade, see Migration FAQ and Migration guide.

Using fonts

How to use fonts when creating or updating text.

Canva has an expansive library of fonts. Apps can access and use a limited subset of these fonts when creating or updating text in a user's design.

Our design guidelines help you create a high-quality app that easily passes app review.

Feature and surface support considerations

The font picker works within different Canva design types, such Presentations and Docs.

Open font picker

Apps can open a font picker that lets users choose a font from Canva's library. This offers a familiar and consistent user experience, and it's how we recommend most apps implement a font selection interface.

import { Button, Rows } from "@canva/app-ui-kit";
import { requestFontSelection } from "@canva/asset";
import * as React from "react";
import * as styles from "styles/components.css";
import { useFeatureSupport } from "utils/use_feature_support";
export function App() {
const isSupported = useFeatureSupport();
async function handleClick() {
const fontResponse = await requestFontSelection();
if (isSupported(requestFontSelection)) {
return (
<div className={styles.scrollContainer}>
<Rows spacing="1u">
Open font picker

Remember font selection

When a user selects a font, we recommend storing that font in a state object. This has a few benefits:

  1. You can update the UI to display the selected font.
  2. You can access the selected font at other points in the lifecycle (e.g. when creating a text element).
  3. You can pass the selected font into the font picker, so the user's selection is remembered.

For example:

import { Button, Rows, Text } from "@canva/app-ui-kit";
import { Font, requestFontSelection } from "@canva/asset";
import * as React from "react";
import * as styles from "styles/components.css";
import { useFeatureSupport } from "utils/use_feature_support";
export function App() {
// Keep track of the currently selected font
const [selectedFont, setSelectedFont] = React.useState<Font | undefined>();
const message = selectedFont
? `The selected font is ${selectedFont.name}.`
: `There is no font selected.`;
const isSupported = useFeatureSupport();
async function handleClick() {
if (isSupported(requestFontSelection)) {
const fontResponse = await requestFontSelection({
selectedFontRef: selectedFont?.ref, // Specify the selected font, if one is defined
if (fontResponse.type !== "completed") {
// Update the currently selected font
return (
<div className={styles.scrollContainer}>
<Rows spacing="1u">
Select a font

Use selected font

When a user selects a font, the app receives an asset reference for that font. To use the font, this reference can be passed into methods that accept a fontRef property.

import { addElementAtPoint } from "@canva/design";
await addElementAtPoint({
type: "text",
children: ["Hello world"],
fontRef: selectedFont?.ref,

Render font preview

All fonts have an associate image that contains a preview of the font. Apps can render this image to help users identify the currently selected font or to create a custom font picker.

<div>{selectedFont && <img src={selectedFont.previewUrl} />}</div>

If the built-in font picker is not suitable for whatever reason, an app can alternatively:

  1. Request a list of recommended fonts from Canva.
  2. Create a custom user interface that renders those fonts.

The recommendations themselves are based on various factors, such as the user's locale.

import { findFonts } from "@canva/asset";
const { fonts } = await findFonts();
console.log(fonts); // => [ { name: "Arial", ... }]

We only recommend this option if it's strictly required for the app's use-case.

Get specific font details

An app can use a font's asset reference to get additional information about that font. Just keep in mind that asset references are short-lived and should only be used soon after the app receives them.

import { findFonts } from "@canva/asset";
const { fonts } = await findFonts({ fontRefs: ["font_ref_goes_here"] });
console.log(fonts); // => [ { name: "Arial", ... }]


  • Apps can't access Canva Pro(opens in a new tab or window) fonts.
  • Apps can't upload or otherwise define custom fonts.
  • Apps can't download the underlying font files.
  • Apps can only set the font of paragraphs, not of inline text.

API reference