On September 25th, 2024, we released v2 of the Apps SDK. To learn what’s new and how to upgrade, see Migration FAQ and Migration guide.

Color selection

How to use the color selector flyout.

To help users choose the right color, use the color selector flyout. This allows users to:

  • Use Document colors
  • Use Brand Kit colors
  • Use Default colors
  • Add new colors
  • Pick a color from the design, using an eye dropper
  • Enter a hexadecimal color code

Open the color selector

  • Do use a Swatch(opens in a new tab or window) component to open the flyout.
  • Consider labelling the color swatch to help users understand which color they're adjusting.
  • Consider labelling a group of color swatches instead of individual ones, if your app provides a set of preset colors.
  • Consider using a custom UI component to open the color flyout only when it's truly essential to your app. The interaction should be easy for users to understand.

Preview the color

  • Do provide users with a way to preview their color selection.
  • Avoid obstructing the preview with the color selector flyout. It's typically better to place the preview above the color swatch trigger button.